Delicious Dish That Protects You from The Cold


Delicious Dish That Protects You from The Cold 

To prevent colds and flu from stopping this fight, it is to prepare the body and strengthen its defenses. You know, prevention is better than cure. 


Cod with vegetables               4 PER.   40 MIN   439 CAL 

4 Cod loins, olive oil 

Flour, 1 bunch of spring garlic 

250g broccoli, 250g mushrooms 

1 red onion, 50g pine nuts 

Oregano, Salt and pepper 


1. Prepare the Vegetables 

Cut the broccoli into small florets, the spring garlic into 1cm pieces, the onion into thin strips, and the mushroom cut into slices. In a fry pan, with a little oil, saute the vegetables in batches until they are cooked.  Add the fried pine nuts, season with salt and pepper, and finally sprinkle with oregano. Keep Warm. 

2. When you have the cod desalted, squeez it well with a cloth to release the water. Flour it and fry it in a pan with the skin facing up. Serve hot with accompanied by vegetables. 


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